Tuesday, March 25, 2014

It's Summer~

Ah yes summer. The perfect time to hit the beach with friends or family. The time to finally catch up with the sleep you couldn't afford because of school. The best time to marathon an entire series, or two. The 2(or 3 if your school is like mine) months of just sitting around in your room wasting away on the internet.

Or at least that's what I should be doing.

Instead I have a job. Actually, I have two jobs. It's not that time consuming, but with the things I plan to do during summer, I think maybe it is. And yet despite my work, I still have the guts to spend my first day of summer at the mall to watch Divergent. Okay, maybe not first day since I spent that first day back at school for consultation of grades(which I passed by the way). And speaking of Divergent. . .

I finally got to watch it. What? Only now? Yep, that's right. I'm such a loser I know. Anyways, if you haven't watched it then please go to the cinema and do. It's worth it, I swear. If you don't like it then you can come complain to me all you want. My number is 9-800-your-loss-bro. But honestly, it was really good.

I also bought a new book(if it wasn't obvious enough in the picture). It's something I've wanted to buy for a few months and now I finally have it. Hooray! But not hooray because it's going to be a while before I start on it - I have 1 saga and 2 trilogies to finish first. I'm still excited though.

This week is going to be busy for me. My sister's graduation is tomorrow so I'll be out again, I have work on Thursday and Friday, and I have plans to go out with my friends for both Saturday and Sunday. Busy, busy, but I'll have fun so that's what matters right.

Monday, February 17, 2014

A Friend Indeed

You know how Valentine's day just passed? Yeah, me too. Don't need to tell what happened to my 14th, well okay maybe there is; a movie date with Elaine and Nel(we watched Vampire Academy, and it was really good. I recommend you watch), and speaking of Nel. . .

He's the reason why I'm posting an entry after being inactive for quite a while(darn you school! And probably because of work too - I have a job now, yay!), and it's not because of any crush or heartbreak or romantic link or whatever. To set the record straight, he's practically my boy bestfriend. And I know some people would still put malice in it but come on! Can't a guy and a girl have a platonic relationship? It's the 21st century dammit!

Anyway, I'm here to say that I think Nel is one of the best people that ever came to my life. I think I've known that since I became friends with him last year(my 1st yr in uni), and it's not just because he almost always treats me food and/or buys me gifts. Earlier today, I ran into him after classes and he handed me the card he made for vday - he was supposed to give it to me on the 14th but circumstances. He told me to read it when I went home(or was that my decision?), and I did. Now it's nighttime, I haven't eaten dinner, and I'm crying like a baby. That was how emotional I got, reading his letter. 

Like I said before, Nel is one of the best people in my life and through that letter, I realized why. He knew me, like really knew me. Not the me that most people know, but the person behind all the shows and facade. He knows that I'm oversensitive, that I get too emotional, and that, in spite of me being cheery and crazy and weird, I'm someone who feels lonely and alone all the time. I didn't need to tell him all these things about myself because he already knows - better than anyone, I think even better than myself. And that makes me so genuinely happy.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Book Review: Bared to You


Title: Bared to You
Author: Sylvia Day
Date Read: Jan. 15 - 26
Rating: ★★★

So, first of all, the plot - pretty easy to determine really. We have moody girl meets equally moody bajillionaire guy, both of whom are fucked up due to their mysterious past. Girl falls for said guy, and guy admits that he has fallen for her too *wink wink*. Most of what happens in the book is just them fucking because, hello, it's a novel about sex, what more will you find. And if they're not fucking, then it's just Eva moping around about how their relationship will never work. That's basically it.

However, despite all the moping, I do like Eva (a lot more than Anna) because I still find her, if not a strong character, a strong person. She's had a very traumatic childhood and look at her still standing; she's still able to have a romantic/sexual relationship with someone despite being sexually abused as a child. Also, the thing about her that I like most is her stubbornness. Why? It's exactly like mine - that is the one thing that made me feel connected to her.

On the other hand is Gideon, whom I don't know how to feel about. I'm okay with him, that much is certain, but I don't know if I actually like him as a character or a person, because if I look at it, compared to Christian(of Fifty Shades), Gideon's change came so suddenly that I didn't believe it at first, even until now I'm a little doubtful. So, despite all that has been said and happened between him and Eva, I still don't trust him completely. I do soften up to him at parts, especially when he becomes desperate for Eva to take him back, when he says that he can't bare for her to leave him. That just goes to show that he can drop his pride or ego or whatever you call it, just to keep the girl he loves. I find that to be a brave act.

As far as writing goes, I just want to laugh. I have been punched, kicked, and brutally injured by the adjectives and verbs in this book. There were a lot of scenes that were so awkward to read, and not because it was the sex scenes, but because of the way she describes/narrates it; it made me want to cringe. Like, literally, I had to look away in embarrassment. With that being said, I still think it was better than Fifty Shades - not at first, I sort of hated [Bared to You] at first, but as the story progressed, I began to like it more. It has more of a story, and it's not one of those where the girl exists to "change the guy" or "make him a better man". No, in here, they exist to help fix each other. Or at least that's what it seems like.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Unending Race

I woke up this day feeling cranky, which already says a lot since I'm a morning person, but then who wouldn't be when you have to wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning! Now how is that a good precedent to a supposed "fun" run? Although I should be happy because you know.. charity event. Helping people. Yay. But it's just hmmm. . .

And the bad luck(?) didn't end right there. I had my dad drive me to the location, which was our university campus and was a slightly long drive, and I really thought I was going to be late because they said on the notice that the call time would be 5am but silly me for ever believing that because the reality is, it didn't start until 6am. And because I was hurrying, I skipped breakfast - idiot move, like how are you going to run with an empty stomach - and I forgot my bib/number/the-one-I-needed-to-confirm-my-attendance.

I still participated in the run *pats self on the back* because when it finally started, I was more than awake and very much eager to go for a run - God knows I needed one, lazy ass. Sadly, though, I wasn't able to do so very much or to even jog very much because Yza can't, well, run properly because of her new shoes. Sucks for both of us. However, as much as I wanted to go for run, I was still so relieved when it was over because then I could go back home to my bed and just relax the hell out of this day, which is definitely what I'm doing right now *pats self again on the back*.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Days like this

How fun, awesome, and rad this whole weekend is? HELLA.

Saturday was our last exam day, which was good because then no more worries for now but bad because the day before that was a whole lot of studying(re: memorization) for just minor subjects. Test results would be out starting Monday so better prepare for that.

Right after the exams though, my friends and I rushed to get to Ayala for Gayle Forman's book signing. It starts at 4 - or at least it should have - and we finished class at 3 and went speed walking to the train, and when we got off, I literally ran to get to the mall while Elaine and Yza were just walking(weak people). Fortunately, we made it before Gayle came and holy shit I really loved her entrance - it was rockstar good(get the reference?). So the signing went on as usual: interview, Q&A, signing, adios. To sum it up in one photo. . .


But wait! There's more. I had to hurry to get back home because I had to attend a debut that night. And yes, that was right after the signing - I even had to ask my dad to pick me up so I'll cut back a few more minutes. It was like a race with time; taking a bath, getting dressed, putting make up on and all that shebang. In the end, I was still late, to the party and to the dance that I was supposed to be in(whoops). And although parties aren't really my thing, I had fun that night - well mostly because I was with my friends.

                                                        UWO babes                                                        

Monday, January 13, 2014

Exams this week.

Pray for my soul.

Pray that I will have the strength to study properly.

Pray that I won't be side-tracked by the internet

Or The Evolution of Mara Dyer because I just finished the first book and holy shit do I want to read book 2 already but...

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Book Review: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight


Title: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight
Author: Jennifer E. Smith
Date Read: Jan. 6 - 7
Rating: ★★★★★

The one thing that was clear to me, right from the start of that 3-page prologue, was that I really like her writing style, from start to finish. It's light and easy to read through, and I'm thankful because then I wouldn't need to bring out the old dictionary.

I was afraid though that this would not turn out well. I kept thinking how you could fit, or more appropriately, stretch into a 230+ page book a story which has a 24-hour timeline. I was afraid that it would just turn out dragging and be full of nonsense just to fill out the pages. I’m glad it did not turn out that way. The story flows, and quite amazingly so; recounting past events(those that mattered anyway) that compliments the events of present day.

I don't so much as love Hadley and Oliver but I do like them a lot. What I do love is when they talk because it is always these fun and witty conversations thrown around, cute but not ones that would make me want to cringe. What I do love is how their relationship had a slow and nice build up to it, which is ironic considering this transpired all in a day. The first time they held hands, I was waiting for them to kiss, and I was wishing on that so fervently, but it never happened. But I was not disappointed because when that moment finally came, it felt more right.

And although the title suggests a story centered on romance, which I guess half of it is, the other half was dedicated to a perfectly-made tale of a child's heartbreak over her parents' separation. All the while, like Oliver, I think it's pretty brave of her to come to the wedding and reception; I wouldn't be able to do that if I went through what she did. But while I never had to deal with a problem such as a broken family, I felt the same hurt, pain and anger as Hadley did. I was even a little surprised when she was ready to forgive her father and accept her new stepmother because I wasn't, and those acts are what makes her even braver to me.