Monday, January 27, 2014

Book Review: Bared to You


Title: Bared to You
Author: Sylvia Day
Date Read: Jan. 15 - 26
Rating: ★★★

So, first of all, the plot - pretty easy to determine really. We have moody girl meets equally moody bajillionaire guy, both of whom are fucked up due to their mysterious past. Girl falls for said guy, and guy admits that he has fallen for her too *wink wink*. Most of what happens in the book is just them fucking because, hello, it's a novel about sex, what more will you find. And if they're not fucking, then it's just Eva moping around about how their relationship will never work. That's basically it.

However, despite all the moping, I do like Eva (a lot more than Anna) because I still find her, if not a strong character, a strong person. She's had a very traumatic childhood and look at her still standing; she's still able to have a romantic/sexual relationship with someone despite being sexually abused as a child. Also, the thing about her that I like most is her stubbornness. Why? It's exactly like mine - that is the one thing that made me feel connected to her.

On the other hand is Gideon, whom I don't know how to feel about. I'm okay with him, that much is certain, but I don't know if I actually like him as a character or a person, because if I look at it, compared to Christian(of Fifty Shades), Gideon's change came so suddenly that I didn't believe it at first, even until now I'm a little doubtful. So, despite all that has been said and happened between him and Eva, I still don't trust him completely. I do soften up to him at parts, especially when he becomes desperate for Eva to take him back, when he says that he can't bare for her to leave him. That just goes to show that he can drop his pride or ego or whatever you call it, just to keep the girl he loves. I find that to be a brave act.

As far as writing goes, I just want to laugh. I have been punched, kicked, and brutally injured by the adjectives and verbs in this book. There were a lot of scenes that were so awkward to read, and not because it was the sex scenes, but because of the way she describes/narrates it; it made me want to cringe. Like, literally, I had to look away in embarrassment. With that being said, I still think it was better than Fifty Shades - not at first, I sort of hated [Bared to You] at first, but as the story progressed, I began to like it more. It has more of a story, and it's not one of those where the girl exists to "change the guy" or "make him a better man". No, in here, they exist to help fix each other. Or at least that's what it seems like.

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