Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Early morning drama

This happened at about 7:30 in the morning and I was so pissed about it. I don't normally like to rant about these stuff but it was just so frustrating that I had to let it out. I'm sorry.

You know how people react when they find out you're the youngest in the family, they all go like 'you must have it easy' or 'you must be the favorite' or 'your parents probably spoils you'. The answer is a big no. And if you know how it is with our family, that is an even bigger no.

What I could never understand is why my sister has to keep using my clothes even if she has a closet full of them. And when I tell her to change into her own, you know what she says? "I'm already wearing it, so I don't want to. Stop complaining." Wait. Hold up. You tried on two outfits before landing on mine. You were already wearing your clothes, yet you still changed into mine, and now you have the nerve to give that crap excuse to me. Wow.

Another thing that makes me angry about all this is how my parents reacted. When I told my mom she was like "Just let her, it's for work anyway." Newsflash: I've let it go so many times already. I'm fucking tired of it. On the other hand, my dad was all angry at my sister at first, telling her he won't drive her to work unless she changes into her own clothes. Unsurprisingly, that didn't happen. My sister didn't change and he still drove her to work. Yeah, way to stand your ground dad. No wonder she turned out to be a spoiled, overbearing bitch.

You might think I'm being too petty over this whole thing but I'm not really. My clothes are like 1/3 of what my sister owns, yet she still tells my parents that she doesn't have any and persuades them into buying her more. They do. And when they do, I can't ask them to buy me clothes too because I will start thinking that that would be too much for them. Also, now that she has a job, my parents are suddenly making her tons of "work clothes". Oh, and forget the fact that I've been asking them for a year now to make me a skirt. And in the event that she does wear my clothes, I'm the one burdened; when I need something to wear, I can't find any because SHE WORE IT ALREADY.

I am so tired of having to let all this go on, tired of always being the one to compromise, tired of being the only one who sees the unfairness of the situation. This is one of the reasons why I want to get a job already and earn money. I want to get the hell out of here, away from all this shit.

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