Monday, December 9, 2013

Book Review: Sweet Evil


Title: Sweet Evil
Author: Wendy Higgins
Date Read: Dec. 4 - 8
Rating: ★★★★★

Anna Whitt has joined my very short list of 'Main female characters that I love' and because of that this book has turned into one where I give no fucks about the male love interest and all the fucks to the female protagonist, which is way easier because I know I'll always be hooked to the story since I'm in it for the one whose life the story revolves around. I mean, I like Kaidan, just not when he's being indecisive about his feelings for Anna because it hurts to see her getting hurt because of it. She's just this really sweet, genuine, all around wonderful girl so I strongly believe she doesn't deserve all that emotional pain. I guess another reason why I love her is because she reminds me so much of myself. Like honestly, I have never met a character who is so like me, I can feel heaven opening up to introduce her as my twin soul. 

I like how Wendy made it out that Anna already has special abilities, unlike most fantasy/paranormal/dystopian/whatever-genre-possible YA Heroine who has to find out about it first. But apart from that it's mostly the same with everything else: she has a 'great gift' separate from the other characters' and that gift could turn out to be humanity's salvation from evil and yes, she is still introduced into this new world of angels and demons and learns more about what her life really is from a boy she 'coincidentally' met one night.

Also, I think her writing needs to improve because it’s a little tacky at some parts.

However, despite all that I still love this book. I didn't think I could be in love with a book and main character just by reading the 1st chapter but here I am. This still was amaaaazing. I didn't get why people had to use extra vowels to show emphasis on a word but now I do. This book was extra A's worthy. Okay, but seriously, I do love this.

Now for the sort of spoilery part of my review.

I really want to talk about Anna's depression, the one after the Halloween chapter where Kaidan rejected her, and this quote in particular:

"I’m letting you go but only because I have to. I need to move on with my life, but I’ll never hate you.”

I know a lot people would think she was being too dramatic and too desperate for him and all that. I did too, a little bit. But then I remembered when I was in the same position as her. The time when I fell in love with someone, the first and only time I did, and it broke my heart to pieces. He’s a nice person, just not to me, and that’s because he knew I liked him. I was hurting for a long time, months actually. I tried to tell myself countless times that I need to let it go, let him go, and just move on with my life but I couldn’t. This eventually led to my depression.

When I hit college and maturity came crashing down upon me, I realized I needed to let go completely, to save and fix myself. And with time I did. But never did I hate him for anything. I was angry with the way he treated me but more with myself because I let him hurt me that badly. The thing is, the same with Anna, it’s not easy to let go of someone you love. Even if you’re hurting because of someone, it’s not like you can just turn off your feelings for that person in an instant. It takes time and the will power to do it.

In the end, she did manage to let him go because she knows it's for the best, but she also knows in her heart that she will always love Kaidan no matter what. My love and respect for her skyrocketed at that point.

And speaking of endings, why? WHY? Was that really necessary? Well, of course it was. It kind of reminds me of the feeling I got after finishing Delirium: sad, heartbroken, slightly in denial. But no worries, there is a second book, and if Pandemonium didn’t let me down on the Alex/Lena, then Sweet Peril won’t let me down on my Anna/Kaidan. 

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