Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Hearts

So last October 30 was a mishmash of happenings. First off, I finished Allegiant that afternoon just minutes before I needed to leave, which was the worst idea I've ever had. Now here's a tip: never read a book before going somewhere, especially something as heart-crippling as Allegiant; I was crying the whole time. Now as shattered as I was, the day's events turned my mood for the better.

A day or two before the 30th, Oseo messaged me about a surprise she had for our birthday girl Leigh: a dedication cake and a bouquet of flowers. I'm never one for hastily-made plans because I tend to get very easily anxious about things. Thankfully though the surprise was a success  it always is when it comes to Leigh. After that was just us eating, which isn't really a great story to tell since I'll get hungry and it's the middle of the night and there is no food. Honestly, what's the purpose of the fridge then.

The highlight of the day would have to be the video chats. The first one we had with Jade, our dear friend who is in New Zealand right now and, unfortunately, couldn't celebrate with us (physically anyway). It's been about 3 weeks since she left and this would be the first time we're all together to talk to her  not much talking actually, just a house tour, a dropped laptop and a lot of raised voices. Nonetheless, it was still nice to talk to her and see her too (praise the Lord for Skype). The other one we chatted up was a guy we met in Omegle, Nathan Affleck is his name. A++ personality, super adorable, and very lovable. 10 points for him too for making all of us like him, which is nearly impossible for 9 girls that have very different taste in guys. Congratulations, you are officially UWO's boy candy!

Well, that's it. Semester break is nearly over, just 3 days left and I'll be back in school. And if 2nd semester turns out to be as hectic as the 1st, then I'll probably have less time to update my blog. I'll try my best to though.

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