Sunday, October 27, 2013

Things to be happy about

Haven't updated for a while and that's because the last week has been rather busy(?)/eventful for me, as compared to the rest of my semester break that is. Reasons for it being:

1) Swimming party at Bonifacio Heights

This one we (Yza, Nel and I) have been planning since the start of 1st semester and it was supposed to be an overnight stay, since Nel's family sort of owns the place, but it turned out we couldn't because some actor's mother is temporarily staying at one of the units. I had a lot of fun, though I was only in the water for like 2 hours due to my lack of swimming skills  really, why do I even insist on going swimming  and my fear of getting tanner than I already am. My companions, on the other hand, enjoyed it too much that we stayed 'til the afternoon (note: we came at 8:30AM). After that, and a movie at Nel's house, we set out to Fullybooked The Fort; I have never felt more relaxed and at home than at that moment. Oh, how I missed bookstores.

2) Troublemaker Comeback

2 years. Yes, that is how long I have waited for these two to comeback. A long wait that has been filled with re-watching stage performances and music video, searching pictures in Tumblr, and reading a lot of fanfiction. This comeback though, in my opinion, is better than their debut, and that's saying a lot since their debut was really good and was such a huge success. The song sounds good and is addictive. The concept is cool and (of course) sexy, and they have translated it really well in their music video. I can't help but be proud.

If you like, you can watch the music video here.

3) SS501 Reunion

Now this was definitely the peak of my happy week. The first time I saw the title of the article, I couldn't even believe it, probably because one of them is in the army right now. The five of them standing and performing on the same stage after 3 years of switched companies and solo activities? It was near impossible. But it wasn't really, now was it?

Tears, nonstop tears, those were all I could get out of me (and possibly a lot of wheezing and thank-yous to the Lord). I may be a solid SONE and love SNSD with every fibre of my being, but nothing compares to your first love right? SS501 is that for me: the first group I have ever loved and is the reason why I'm into Kpop; Triple S being my first fandom. It was made even better after reading other fans' comments, especially Cassiopeias, saying how lucky we are and how happy they are for us. It was so precious because even for just a moment, all us fans from different fandoms felt such a rare happiness, one that could only be felt when hit by news that a group has reunited  take Shinwa for example.

4) Seohyun & Kyuhyun's duet at SMTown Tokyo

And just when I thought that everything good has already happened, I find out that my OTP is officially back with a duet. Thank you SM, I have always loved how you pair these two up; it's their 4th duet like what! Sadly though, there aren't any fancams yet  the only thing I'm relying on right now  so I have to patiently wait for it. Anyway, there's an audio already up so that must provide for now.

5) Allegiant

Allegiant is the last book of Veronica Roth's most captivating Divergent series (read now if you haven't), released last October 22. Originally, I planned to buy this on the release date but in a turn of events, I don't have the money for it (and I want to laugh at myself for that right now). It took some blackmailing convincing before my dad agreed to buy me one, and true to his words, he did on the 26th. It's actually very special to me, not just because I have been dying to get the book since forever, but because it is the first time my dad bought me a book. Yes folks, I have shed (not really) blood and tears just to buy my own books. Do you know how much stress I put myself in trying to save money for all those? A lot. I have gone through half of the book and so far I'm loving it, but once I finish it, I will post my review here, as well as on my goodreads page.

So I guess that's it. That's the whole(?) recount of my life for the past few days. There is only a week left until I have to go back to college for 2nd semester, so I have to spend it wisely, which will most likely involve me laying on my bed reading or surfing the internet.

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